Bates O'Neal


Secretary of the TFC Board; Taylor Festival Choir Bass

"I love singing with TFC because it has become a terrific musical family. The level of music-making is unbelievable, and it is a pleasure to sing amazing music with amazing friends."

Nashville born tenor, Bates O'Neal, is a cantorial soloist, operatic performer, recitalist, orchestral soloist, and choral singer who has performed throughout the east coast of the United States and in Italy. When performing at Miami Music Festival, South Florida Classical Review raved: "With a fine tenor and deft articulation, O'Neal brought sympathy to a role usually rendered as slapstick caricature."

Living in Charleston, Bates is the Music & Artistic Director at Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (KKBE), a historic reform Jewish congregation. He also serves as an adjunct professor of voice at College of Charleston and a staff singer at Grace Church Cathedral. Bates has sung with Taylor Festival Choir since 2015, in the bass and tenor sections, and he is the secretary of the board for Taylor Music Group.

Bates O'Neal holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music - Vocal Performance from College of Charleston, studying with David Templeton, where he earned the Dean's Award for Excellence in Music. He also earned a Masters of Music - Vocal Performance at Mannes School of Music, The New School, studying with Arthur Levy, from which he graduated in May 2020.

Get to Know Bates

My fondest TFC memory was singing Rachmaninoff Vespers in 2016. That was one of my earliest TFC concerts, and my first introduction into Russian choral music. That was such a moving and spiritual weekend that I decided to pursue music as a career. I am forever thankful for that experience.

My life's motto is "if you're not having fun while singing, you're doing it wrong."

I'm passionate about cooking, playing games of all sorts, and my corgi, Betty.

The piece I could listen to on repeat is Herbert Howells' "King David", because it's an under-appreciated masterpiece that sets a beautiful poem to a melody that is so gratifying to sing.

If I could only watch three TV shows for the rest of my life, they would be Ted Lasso, Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and How I Met Your Mother.

Ted Lasso is one of my favorite TV shows because it leaves you happy and uplifted at the end of every episode.


Rachel Lynn Walls