Cody Müller


Artist Travel Liaison of the TFC Board; Taylor Festival Choir Bass

"I love singing with TFC because the music we make is so infused with passion and love, a clear reflection of how much we all enjoy each other's company."

Cody Müller, Bass, is an opera singer, voice actor, and sommelier. Having performed in opera houses the world over, some of Müller's most memorable moments include Sparafucile in Rigoletto at the Ohio Theatre in Columbus, Bach's Mass in B-minor with the American Bach Soloists in San Francisco, and singing with Amwaj: a children's choir in Palestine. Outside of music, Müller maintains several wine and spirits certifications: Total Wine & Spirits Professional, Certified Specialist in Wine, Cicerone, and a WSET Level 3. He loves teaching people about wine and exposing them to new bottles from around the world. Additionally, Müller records Voice Over for various medical associations, political candidates, and large companies such as Amazon. Müller sings with the many professional choirs including Ensemble 8, Choral Arts Philadelphia, Conspirare, and the Taylor Festival Choir where he is also a board member. He resides in Austin, TX, and he holds degrees from Belmont University, the Eastman School of Music, and the Academy of Vocal Arts.

Get to Know Cody

My fondest TFC memory was when we performed the Bach Magnificat recently, and it was the most exhilarating energy which I felt coming from the whole choir. In that rare moment, all the practice and dedication each individual had brought by themselves coalesced into a sound that was far greater than the sum of its parts.

My life's motto is "To enrich the lives of others, which in turn enriches my own."

I'm passionate about Wine and spirits! I'm infinitely curious and I love sharing my knowledge with others.

The piece I could listen to on repeat is Sing Me to Heaven, because Of nostalgia and simplistic beauty.

This year I want to Record voice over commercials for amazing organizations and drink fantastic wine while simultaneously singing fabulous music.

If I could only eat three meals for the rest of my life, they would be Spaghetti Bolognese, Chicken Piccata, and Breakfast Tacos.

One of my secret indulgences is Gas station hot dogs

Nasuka is one of my favorite movies because Of the brilliant art style.

I love Austin, because the diversity of what you can do at any given moment.

I want to meet Olivia Coleman.


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Christopher Mitchell