Dr. Robert Joseph Taylor


President of the TFC Board; Taylor Festival Choir Director

"I love singing with TFC because from its inception, the TFC was intended and designed to be an elite, world-class musical ensemble that also has a feeling of family. I think we achieved that."

Dr. Robert Taylor is the Director of Choral Activities at the College of Charleston, the Founding Artistic Director and President of the Taylor Festival Choir (TFC) and Taylor Music Group (TMG), and the Director of the Charleston Symphony Orchestra Chorus and Chamber Singers. Called a “rising star in the international choral scene” and a "true master of his craft" (Charleston City Paper), Taylor’s choirs have been described as sounding "more musical than would seem possible" (Charleston Post and Courier), and have received numerous plaudits from critics and choral specialists for their technical proficiency, musicality and beautiful sound production. Taylor's ensembles have performed throughout the United States and Europe. They have been featured in numerous festivals, conventions and special concerts, including the 2005 and 2009 American Choral Directors (ACDA) National Conventions, the 2008 and 2011 National Collegiate Choral Organization National Conventions, and multiple appearances in regional and state ACDA and AGO conventions. Taylor and his combined choirs performed with the Charleston Symphony Orchestra in a feature concert in the 2013 National Collegiate Choral Organization National Convention. Taylor's groups also appear annually in the prestigious Spoleto Festival U.S.A. and Piccolo Spoleto Festival.

Dr. Taylor's professional ensemble, the Taylor Festival Choir (TFC), has been hailed by critics and choral specialists alike as being one of the nation’s finest. Performing a full season of concerts in the Charleston area, TFC also has toured throughout the USA and Ireland and has recorded with Delos Recordings, Centaur Records, and MSR Classics. TFC’s recent release was on the Grammy ballot, and featured the world premiere recording of Celtic Mass by Michael McGlynn, alongside Mass by James MacMillan, a performance described as “very impressive indeed….many will be drawn to this (recording) simply because of the intensity Taylor brings to his readings, and the way his choir responds with such potent empathy for the music.” (Musicweb International – London).

Taylor has conducted more than 50 major choral/orchestral works to critical acclaim, his interpretations of modern works and the works of Ralph Vaughan Williams being especially praised. His recording of Vaughan Williams' Epithalamion and An Oxford Elegy was hailed as "a highly accomplished performance," one in which "his forces capture [Vaughan Williams' score's] ebb and flow perfectly" (American Record Guide).

With the CSO Chorus, he has prepared numerous choral/orchestral masterworks for performances with prestigious conductors such as the late David Stahl, Dr. Joseph Flummerfelt, Ken Lam, Louis Solemno, Dr. Kenneth Fulton, Dr. Joe Miller, JoAnn Faletta and Stuart Molina,. As Director of Choral Activities at the College of Charleston, Dr. Taylor oversees all choral studies and endeavors, including leading the acclaimed Concert Choir, the Madrigal Singers, and directing the choral strand of the College of Charleston's Master of Arts in Teaching in the Performing Arts degree. He serves as editor of the Robert Taylor Choral Series with Colla Voce Publications, and is an avid lover and arranger of Irish traditional music. Along with his wife, violinist/Irish fiddler Mary Taylor, Taylor coordinates the Celtic Arts Series (formerly the Taylor Music Festival) in Piccolo Spoleto: a series of concerts and workshops emphasizing musical education and performance in both classical and Celtic/folk disciplines. Deeply involved in Piccolo Spoleto and with the Charleston Office of Cultural Affairs, Taylor was recently awarded the Piccolo Spoleto Lifetime Achievement Award.

Get to Know Robert

My fondest TFC memory is hard to pick. There are so many favorite memories with TFC, it's hard to call one the very fondest. One of the ACDA performances would be the easy thing to say. But I'll list two non-ACDA memories. The first is our first season back in 2001. Mary, Mom and I decided to form a choir and a festival in Arkansas honoring my dad--who had passed 4 years before. So, the then called "Bob Taylor Festival Choir" was born. That first year we somehow raised enough money to bring together 20 singers, pay for their travel, their food, house them, and create a 5 concert summer tour in Arkansas. Our first rehearsal and meal was at Eureka Springs United Methodist Church. We rehearsed (Britten Hymn to St. Cecilia and Dello Joio's Jubilant Song were part of the program), ate a ridiculously delicious meal prepared by the church, and then after some hanging out we all went to bed. I remember tears streaming down my cheeks as I lay in bed thinking "we did it Dad. We did it for you." What a feeling that was. I'll choose as #2 the recording sessions for our most recent album "So Hallow'd the Time." My dear friend Brian Galante wrote a choral cycle for us, and he was at the sessions as a producer. My doctoral studies mentor Ken Fulton was also there in there, my wife was playing, my daughter was singing, and the roster was chocked full of wonderful people who "double" as wonderful singers. We recorded a 70-minute album in two days! The atmosphere was one of cooperation of love, but it was HARD. I think we finished recording Paulus' Pilgrim's Hymn at 1:30am on day 2. Maybe its the former athlete in me, but accomplishing things that are mentally and physically exhausting are the very most rewarding.

My life's motto is "The St. Francis Prayer. "Lord make me an instrument of thy peace..." etc."

I'm passionate about Sports in general, golf being my top love in terms of playing. I watch every Arkansas Razorback game, even if I have to watch the replay. I am an avid reader. I love history, philosophy, theology, fantasy. I am passionate about politics. And Christmas!! And I try to help the needy.

The piece I could listen to on repeat is the Bach Christmas Oratorio, because its Bach, and its about Christmas, Duh.

This year I want to see my wife conquer cancer. That's far and away tops. Make an album entitled Pathway to Healing and dedicate it to her. Start building our dream home in Black Mountain, NC. And get back in shape!

If I could only read three books for the rest of my life, they would be The Tao te Ching, The Lord of the Rings, and Mists of Avalon.

One of my secret indulgences is Watching Hallmark Christmas movies with Mary. WE LOVE THEM!!!

Isabel is one of my favorite TV shows because it is an amazing historical fiction series starring my favorite actor Michelle Jenner.

I love the Arkansas Razorbacks, because they are my home team. the fans are my tribe, My clan.

I want to meet Barack Obama to tell him thank you. For everything he stands for.


Rachel Lynn Walls


Kiri Noelle Taylor